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Wellness Dimensions
The 8 dimensions on wellness helps provide a clearer and more targeted systematic approach to employee wellness. Categorize and target individually, specific aspects of wellness as per each employees need. No more one fits all approach - but premium approach to employee wellness and health specific to cater the targeted aspects of each individual.
Occupational Wellness
Creating personal satisfaction and enrichment in one’s life through work, and seeking opportunities to grow professionally and to be fulfilled in your job is a top priority for most individuals. It includes preparing and making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life.
Physical Wellness
Healthy eating, sleeping well, physical activity, avoiding or reducing drug and alcohol use as well as identifying symptoms of disease and getting regular medical check-ups are paramount to physical health and wellness. This dimension includes protecting yourself from injuries and harm
Environmental Wellness
We are better creations when we enjoy good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environment that support wellbeing. It is about trying to live in harmony with nature by understanding the impact of your actions on nature and taking initiative to protect your environment.
Financial Wellness
Money plays a critical role in our lives and not having enough of it impacts our health. This involves learning how to successfully manage financial expenses.
Social Wellness
Money plays a critical role in our lives and not having enough of it impacts our health. This involves learning how to successfully manage financial expenses.
Emotional Wellness
Awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings and cognitions as well as coping with emotions and expressing them in a healthy and adaptive manner are the pillars of an emotionally balanced individual.
Intellectual Wellness
This involves engaging in creative, stimulating mental activities (academic and otherwise), striving for personal growth and a willingness to seek out new information. Making sound decisions and thinking critically, openness to new ideas, motivation to master new skills, a sense of creativity, and curiosity are the end-goals for this dimension.
Social Wellness
The process of being connected to something greater than yourself and having set values, principles, morals and beliefs that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life have been considered the attainment of spiritual balance.